Category Archives: Concurs foto

Concurs de fotografie în autobuzele din București – „Simeze pe roți”

Sub motto-ul „Experimentează galeria din autobuz!”, compania ANZI SOFT în colaborare cu revista online de fotografie FOTO4all a lansat miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013, site-ul .

simeze pe roti ratb
concurs foto simeze pe roti

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Concursul international de fotografie “Atkins CIWEM Environmental “

The Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year competition is now open for entries. Open to all professional and amateur, national and international photographers of all ages, the Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year is an international showcase for the very best in environmental photography and film.

concurs international de fotografie de mediu
Atkins CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year

Launched in 2007 by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM), the competition honours amateurs and professionals of all ages. It provides an opportunity for photographers to share images of environmental and social issues with international audiences, and to enhance our understanding of the causes, consequences and solutions to climate change and social inequality.

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Viewbug organizeaza concursul foto “I Heart Animals”

Site-ul ViewBug a lansat concursul de fotografie intitulat “I Heart Animals” ( eu as traduce aceasta expresie prin “Imi plac animalele”).

concurs foto cu poze cu animale
Viewbug – I Heart Animals

Asadar, daca aveti fotografii care arata prietenia dintre om si animal, nu ratati aces concurs la care puteti castiga premii in valoare de pina la 3000$.

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