Bursa Ian Parry pentru tinerii fotojurnalisti

Ian Parry Scholarship, described by the photographer Marcus Bleasdale as “the single most important photography award for young photojournalists,” is now open for entries.

Ian Parry Scholarship bursa fotografie fotojurnalism
Ivor Prickett – Ian Parry Scholarship winner

Founded by Aidan Sullivan, former Picture Editor of The Sunday Times, the award remembers Ian Parry, a generous and courageous photojournalist who died in Romania in 1989 at the age of twenty-four. At the time of his passing, Parry was documenting the fall of Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu. In the last 28 years, the scholarship has served as an enduring reminder of the power of images to herald change.

Open to young photographers who are either attending a full-time photographic course or are under 24 years.

The Ian Parry Scholarship 2018 includes two awards: The Ian Parry Award for Achievement and The Ian Parry Award for Potential.

Both winners receive $3500 for their proposed photojournalistic project, and the Award for Potential winner will also have one year within the Ian Parry Mentorship Program, run by Bleasdale. The 2018 mentor is the photojournalist and former Ian Parry Scholarship winner Simon Roberts.

The Achievement Award winner will automatically be accepted into the list of final nominees for the Joop Swart Masterclass by World Press Photo.

Additionally, winners will exhibit in London in the fall, and following in Parry’s footsteps, they will be published in The Sunday Times. The IPS patron is Sir Don McCullin, and the guest judge for The Ian Parry Scholarship 2018 is the writer, curator, editor, and educator Elisabeth Biondi. Canon will provide equipment to the winners, and The Incite Project , an IPS sponsor, will add the award-winning work to their collection.

winners Ian Parry Scholarship castigatori burse fotografie fotojurnalism
Winners Ian Parry Scholarship

To enter this year’s Scholarship , you will need to meet the following entry criteria:
1) A covering letter including your name, date of birth, permanent address, personal email address, personal telephone number, and if applicable, college, course title and course tutor.
2) A detailed project proposal of your proposed project. It should be noted that this written section is considered extremely important. The judges will need to be impressed by your ability to produce a convincing project proposal as well as your photography skills.
3) A brief project synopsis (Please follow the instructions on our submit form carefully).
4) A portfolio of 12 (low resolution) photographs, either a photo essay or individual photos.
5) Captions for each image as a word document.

The deadline is July 27th, 2018

Applicants submit a portfolio and project proposal on this website

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