Category Archives: Surse de finantare pentru fotografi

Prestigio Photo contes

Au fost anuntati si castigatorii concursului foto organizat de Prestigio.

Acestia sunt:

Grand Prix Samuel De Leon, Philippines


Category EleganceIvaylo Velev, Bulgaria


Elegance by Ivaylo Velev

Category PerformanceBob Garas, USA


Classical by Bob Garas

Category InspirationPartha Pal, India


The cyclist by Partha Pal

Public’s Choice J.J. Guy Longtin, Canada


Horse Power by J.J. Guy Longtin

Concurs de fotografie

Concursul de fotografie Carl Zeiss 2009 “Cultura digitala”


Concursul este deshis tuturor fotografilor care pot trimite imagini preluate cu orice fel de camera foto, cu conditia ca obiectivul sau sa fie Carl Zeiss.
Doritorii sunt invitati sa ilustreze, fiecare din propria perspectiva, modul in care tehnologia modeleaza lumea, devine o parte inseparabila a vietii cotidine, schimba modul in care comunicam, lucram, isi intalnesc prietenii, asculta muzica, etc.

Lucrarile vor fi primite in perioada 15 decembrie 2009 – 15 ianuarie 2010.

Pagina oficiala a concursului:

Concurs foto

Daca aveti imagini frumoase din locuri speciale precum manastirile Moldovei si Bucovinei sau planuri ca sarbatorile sa vi le petreceti in apropierea unui locas sfant mai jos specificat, asa ca nu uitati sa va luati aparatul de fotografiat sa faceti cateva fotografii, pe care sa le trimiteti la adresa Editurii Dexologia a Mitropoliei Moldovei si Bucovinei, str. Cuza Voda nr. 51, in incinta Manastirii Golia.

Perioada depuneri imagini: 4 decembrie 2009 – 8 ianuarie 2010

Pentru fiecare dintre aceste obiective, imaginile care vor fi eligibile (desi se vor transmite editurii pe suport DVD la o rezolutie acceptabila pentru preview) trebuie sa aiba o rezolutie de 12 megapixeli 300-400 dpi la format de 250/350 mm in cazul in care vor fi selectate. Fotografiile trebuie sa surprinda cat mai multe aspecte si in diferite momente ale anului (primavara, vara, toamna, iarna): imagine aeriana de ansamblu, imagini de exterior, imagini de interior, detalii (arhitecturale, frescă, ornamentatie mobilier…), racla cu sfinte moaste, obiecte din muzeul manastirii, morminte, evenimente deosebite (hram, sfinţire, slujbe, procesiuni cu icoane…), cadru natural, vietuitori ai mănăstirii etc.

Contact: Catalin Jeckel, director editura, tel. 0722357964, e-mail

International iPhone Photography Contest

Pentru posesorii de iPhone : SevenSnapsiPhone photography contest

seven snaps

Seven Snaps is all about a daily lifestyle: capturing the world with our mobile phone. Seven Snaps challenges you to be creative and share the fun of telling a story in a sequence of seven images. To connect space, language, culture, expressions and visualization and freeze it in seven snaps. Our aim is to promote mobile photography in a snap culture-based society. And make it a fun and active way of connecting people through shared interests. We cooperate with the promissing dutch company Mobypicture, a distributor of mobile pictures to social media platforms.

Grab your iPhone and share your seven snaps with the world!

The winning entries will be rewarded (iPhone 3GS) and will be published in a book and exposed in a public environment.

How to join the contest:

– install Mobypicture at your iPhone and register at upload your seven snaps with the moby app and use hashtag #7s in the title of all seven snaps
– register at Seven Snaps with your mobypicture login and PIN
– arrange your entry and enjoy others at
The most funny, touching and amazing seven snaps will be selected around Christmas by an international jury of diverse creative backgrounds including the writer Paulo Coelho, composer Max Richter and sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor.

Official web site:

iPhone photo contest

The Fourth International Prestigio Photo Contest

The Fourth International Prestigio Photo Contest “Elegance. Performance. Inspiration”


The Theme of the Contest
The entries (submitted photos) should illustrate and express one of the following concepts: Elegance, Performance and/or Inspiration, and must be realized in one the following genres: reporting, portrait, scenery or landscape photos.

Prize Fund
Grand Prix – USD $1000

Nomination Elegance – External HDD DataSafe III 320 GB+ $300

Nomination Performance – External HDD Data Racer II 320GB + $300

Nomination Inspiration – External HDD DataSafe II Fashion Edition 320GB + $300

Public’s Choice Award – External HDD Data Racer I 320GB

All prizes and awards will be presented to the winners only upon presentation of the identity documents and provided they have met entry requirements, including duly signed Copyright Release.

Rules of Identifying Winning Entries

The Grand-Prix will be awarded to the entrant who will score the highest number of points as a result of the Professional Jury’s voting. This jury consists of 5 professionals with experience and/or expert knowledge of photography.

Nominations ‘Elegance’, ‘Performance’ and ‘Inspiration’ will be awarded to the entrants with the highest number of points as a result of the Prestigio Jury’s voting among all photos in each category. This jury is composed of members from the Prestigio management teams based in Cyprus, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The Public’s Choice Award will be given to the entrant whose photo will score the most votes in an independent poll. The Prestigio jury will beforehand make a pre-selection of 20 creative artworks.

Management of Prestigio, members of Prestigio jury and Professional jury and their families are prohibited from winning any prizes awarded.

Contest Stages and Terms

Contest term: 15 September – 30 November 2009 (inclusively)
Submission deadline: 15 November
Voting via website: 15-22 November
Jury voting: 15 -29 November
Declaration of the poll: 1 December

This jury consists of 5 professionals with experience and/or expert knowledge of photography.

Nominations ‘Elegance’, ‘Performance’ and ‘Inspiration’ will be awarded to the entrants with the highest number of points as a result of the Prestigio Jury’s voting among all photos in each category. This jury is composed of members from the Prestigio management teams based in Cyprus, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The Public’s Choice Award will be given to the entrant whose photo will score the most votes in an independent poll. The Prestigio jury will beforehand make a pre-selection of 20 creative artworks.

Management of Prestigio, members of Prestigio jury and Professional jury and their families are prohibited from winning any prizes awarded.

Contest Stages and Terms

Contest term: 15 September – 30 November 2009 (inclusively)
Submission deadline: 15 November
Voting via website: 15-22 November
Jury voting: 15 -29 November
Declaration of the poll: 1 December

Entry Requirements
The Jury will only accept completed original photos, as well as those meeting the purposes and goals of the Contest, its theme and priorities. The photos submitted should be executed on a high artistic and technological level.

When submitting an entry, authors must also send a scanned copy of the signed Copyright Release to The form is available for download at the Contest website and The photos which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted.

The photos for the online gallery must be presented in one of the following formats: JPG and/or TIF, and with a size of not exceeding 2MB.

The authors must provide the Contest’s organizers with the original pictures upon request. The original pictures must have a resolution of at least 300dpi and a size of an A5 page (148x210mm).

Photographs featuring materials of erotic and/or pornographic nature, artworks executed or published with infringement of third party copyrights, or of other current legislation, will not be accepted by the Contest’s organizers.

An entrant, who has been exposed for plagiarism or use of another person’s ideas, shall be permanently disqualified and shall not be allowed to further participate in the Contest.

More information: