The Lucie Foundation is proud to support emerging talent with vision and dynamic ideas that challenge and progress the art form of still photography into work that compels. The Lucie Foundation (LF) is proud to offer three cash grants to support the work of emerging photographers.
The LF Emerging Scholarships are open to emerging photographers worldwide. LF define “emerging” as anyone who is in the first 5 years of their photography career or does not earn the majority of their income from photography.
Scholarships :
•Photo Made: $1000 Emerging Scholarship
This scholarship will be given to an individual to create or continue a project focused on creating a story through a conceptual Fine Art approach.
•Photo Taken: $1000 Emerging Scholarship
This scholarship will be given to an individual to create or continue a project focused on telling an existing story through a documentary or photojournalism approach.
•$2500 Emerging Artist Scholarship
This scholarship is open to all genres of photographic work and will be given to an individual to create or continue work on a specific dynamic project.
Morgan Rachel Levy – Emerging Artist 2015
Your proposal should include the following:
-Project Start and End Dates
-250 Word Description of your project
-Your Plan for completing the project (i.e. how you intend to approach the project and how you intend to use the scholarship money)
-Five Goals that you plan to accomplish while working on the project (e.g. producing 20 new images, making 5 prints, etc.).
-A one-page biography and/or CV
-Twenty digital images.
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2017 by 12am PDT
Recipients Announced: August 4, 2017
Online submission of digital photographs via the website:
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