Parallel Traces Photographic Contest – premiaza imaginile care prezinta patrimoniul evreiesc

Parallel Traces Photographic Contest focuses on visual representations from an out of ordinary point of view of whatever remains of Jewish Heritage in the urban tissue of the participating cities: Girona, Wroclaw, Tbilisi, Sighet and Belgrade.

Parallel Traces Photographic Contest sighet girona belgrade
Parallel Traces Photographic Contest

Participants will have the option of presenting either a single piece of work or a series,consisting of up to 3 elements (such as independent photographs) sharing a common theme or a single title. Series will be judged as a whole.

Your artwork must be be related to Jewish Heritage in one of the partner cities: Girona, Wroclaw, Tbilisi, Sighet and Belgrade.

Parallel Traces Photographic Contest concurs foto european patrimoniu evreiesc
harta orase participante Parallel Traces Photographic Contest

The Parallel Traces competition focuses on architecture and urbanism, regarding the Jewish Heritage in order:

•To generate a contemporary artwork in digital format
•To showcase common elements that bring closer together citizens with Jewish and non-Jewish descent and culture
•To show that Jewish culture is part of our common home Europe and the traces belonging to a Jewish past are still alive in our everyday way of living
•To better understand the past


• First prize in the category FROM NOW: 1.500€
• First prize in the category FROM THE PAST: 1.500€
• Second prize in the category FROM NOW: 1.000€
• Second prize in the category FROM THE PAST: 1.000€
• up to 20 creations will be exhibited all over Europe

Entry deadline: 26th June 2019
Image requirements: JGP format with a minimum resolution per work of 1024×768 px 300 ppi and a maximum size of 1 MB.
Please read all Rules of Parallel Traces Photographic Contest on this webpage

Initiated by the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ), the Parallel Traces is a cross-cutting, collaborative, cross-European project that aims to bridge this gap. By unearthing the traces of the Jewish cultural heritage in urban architecture and planning in Europe, it offers an original and rigorous perspective on the past, present and future of European Jewish history and encourages mutual understanding and respect among different cultures and modes of artistic expression.
Parallel Traces is co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the Creative Europe programme.

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