Rezultatele concursului Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018

Alfred Fried Photography Award pentru Imaginea de Pace a Anului 2018, în valoare de 10000 €, a revenit fotografei Anna Boyiazis, SUA, cu o imagine din lucrarea ei “Finding Freedom in the Water” (“Găsirea libertății în apă” ).

Anna Boyiazis Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018
Anna Boyiazis – Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018

Premiul principal, “Peace Image of the Year 2018”, al concursului numit după laureatul al Premiului Nobel pentru Pace din 1911, austriacul Alfred Hermann Fried, în valoare de 10.000 de euro, a fost acordat fotojurnalistului Anna Boyiazis, născută în California, pentru seria de fotografii din proiectul Panje: ”Fetele de pe insula Zanzibar”, care face parte din Tanzania și dominată de reguli islamice, își revendică dreptul de a ignora interdicția privind înotul femeilor.

Alfred Fried Photography Award Anna Boyiazis
Anna Boyiazis – Alfred Fried Photography Award – Swim instructor Siti, 24, helps a girl float on Thursday, November 17, 2016 in the Indian Ocean off of Nungwi, Zanzibar.

Daily life in the Zanzibar Archipelago centers around the sea, yet the majority of girls who inhabit the islands never acquire even the most fundamental swimming skills. Conservative Islamic culture and the absence of modest swimwear have compelled community leaders to discourage girls from swimming. Until now.
For the past few years, the Panje Project has made it possible for local women and girls to get into the water, not only teaching them swimming skills but aquatic safety and drowning prevention techniques. The group has empowered its students to teach others, creating a sustainable cycle. Students are also provided full-length swimsuits, so that they can enter the water without compromising their cultural and religious beliefs.
While the wearing of full-length swimsuits may be seen as subjugation, donning one in order to learn a vital life skill, which has long been and would otherwise be forbidden, is an important first step toward emancipation. Education — whether it be in or out of the water — serves as a springboard providing women and girls the empowerment and tools with which to claim their rights and challenge existing barriers.
The rate of drowning on the African continent is the highest in the world. Still, many community leaders have yet to warm up to the idea of women and girls learning to swim. The swimming lessons challenge a patriarchal system that discourages women from pursuing things other than domestic tasks. It is this tension of the freedom one feels in and under water juxtaposed with the limitations imposed upon Zanzibari women that is at the heart of this series.

Câștigătorii Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018, care au primit Medalia de Pace Alfred Fried, sunt (în ordine alfabetică):

Ángeles“, Constanța Portnoy, Argentina

Finding Freedom in the Water“, (“Găsirea libertății în apă”), Anna Boyiazis, SUA

Lucky“, Selma van der Bijl, Olanda

Milaya – Patterns of Home“, Nora Lorek, Suedia

Reading for Tehran Streets“, (“Lectură pentru străzile din Teheran”), Maryam Firuzi, Iran

vanzare terenuri intravilane valea doftanei traisteni prahovaintravilane pret negociabil

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Câștigător al Premiului Special al Juriului pentru cea mai bună intrare single picture, în valoare de €1000, este Jo-Anne McArthur, Canada, cu imaginea ei “Pikin și Appolinaire

Câștigătorul The Children Peace Image of the Year, în valoare de €1000, este Kaja Tasevska, Macedonia, cu imaginea ei “Daydreaming

Pentru Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018 s-au primit 16.610 de fotografii din 137 de țări. Ceremonia de premiere a avut loc la Parlamentul austriac din Viena, pe 20 septembrie, doar cu o zi înaintea Zilei Internaţionale pentru Pace ONU.
Imaginea câștigătoare va fi afișată pentru un an la Parlamentul austriac.


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