Tag Archives: apel de proiecte

Street Delivery sarbatoreste 10 ani cu 10 proiecte pentru oras

La a zecea ediție, Street Delivery finanțează prin concurs 10 proiecte cu 10.000 de euro (1000 euro / proiect) și pune la dispoziție materiale de construcție (acolo unde e cazul).

lut olar
olarit – street delivery

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Call for submissions to exhibition the Great Machine II and the Embarrat Awards 2015

The modernist buildings that house the Museo Trepat de Tàrrega, origin of the social and industrial transformation of the lands of Lleida, will be the venue of the second iteration of EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation. The main objectives of this event are to disseminate throughout society the concept of art and thought as critical and engaged attitudes, and to incentivize artistic creation and promote cultural heritage.

EMBARRAT – Festival of Contemporary Creation

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