Tag Archives: #EarthHour

“Ora Pamantului” 2010: Earth Hour in Romania

Pentru a treia oara, Romania a participat, in acest an, la campania Earth Hour: sambata, 27 martie, incepand cu ora 20.30, am fost invitati sa dam planetei un ragaz de o ora, stingand luminile si aparatele electrice si reducand, astfel, consumul de energie si, implicit, poluarea.

ora pamantului_2010

La un an dupa debutul international al miscarii Earth Hour (2007), Romania s-a alaturat si ea campaniei: in 2008, in cateva orase a fost intrerupt iluminatul public stradal si al unor cladiri importante.


In anul urmator, 2009, Romania a participat la campanie in mod oficial, iar amploarea manisfetarilor a fost mult mai mare: 2 milioane de romani au stins luminile in locuinte, iar numeroase cladiri publice (intre care Palatul Parlamentului, Ateneul Roman, Opera Romana, Primaria Municipiului Bucuresti, Muzeul National de Arta din capitala si peste 30 de sedii si unitati de productie ale unor mari companii) au “oprit curentul” timp de o ora.

Videoclip Ora Pamantului Bucuresti 2010:

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Earth Mosaic

Calling all photographers and Earth-lovers … Help us record a day in the life of our planet, in pictures.

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing on Earth Day22 April 2009, we’re asking you to take photographs of the world around you, select your best one, send it to us, and we’ll use them to make a giant mosaic.

All submitted images must be taken within the 24 hour period of 22 April 2009,as it occurs in the country where you are on that day.
You may send in more than one image taken on the day – but make sure they’re your best ones!
All those participating are asked to spread the word and help make the project as far- reaching as possible.

All images must be uploaded by 30th April 2009.

By submitting your image to EarthMosaic.org, you license the image as:
Creative Commons (Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike)
Every attempt will be made to place each image on the map as close to the country where it was taken.
However, to allow an even spread of images across the map, this may not be possible.

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