Tag Archives: HIPA Photography Awards

Natura – subiectul concursului foto organizat de HIPA

Mother Nature is in everything that we touch; she is in everything that we see. She inspires us every day. A force to be reckoned with, she can be both cruel and kind in equal measures. There are so many words to express her, yet not a single word can capture her.

poza afis concurs fotografie natura premii mari
HIPA Photo Competition 2021-2022 Nature

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Ary Bassous castiga cel mai mare premiu de fotografie din lume cu portretul unui doctor

Fotograful brazilian, Ary Bassous, a documentat pandemia COVID-19 la un spital din Rio de Janeiro când a fotografiat un doctor care își lua pauza de masă după 8 ore de muncă continuă în camera de urgență. Fotografia, intitulată „Duty”, a câștigat 120.000$ (US dolari), cel mai mare premiu în bani din industria fotografiei.

poza alb negru portret doctor urgente
Ary Bassous – “Duty”

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Humanity HIPA Photo Competition 2021

To transform the word ‘Humanity’ from letters on a page or a word that is uttered and let it come to life through the lens of a camera brings to the surface a myriad of emotions for a photographer; challenging them to embrace and inspire through their creative eye for our Tenth Season of competition.

poza barbos Humanity HIPA Photo Competition 2021 poster
Humanity HIPA Photo Competition 2021

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Aceasta poza cu balena a castigat 120.000 dolari la concursul HIPA Water

Această poza cu balena și puiul ei, realizată de fotografă australină Jasmine Carey, a fost declarată câștigătoare concursului Water organizat de HIPA și a fost premiată cu $120.000 dolari US.

poza cu balena cocosata si puiul ei fotografa australiana
Essence of Life” by Jasmine Carey (Australia). Grand Prize Winner HIPA Water

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Apa – subiectul concursului foto organizat de HIPA

HIPA (Hamdan International Photography Award) launch of Ninth Season for all photographers around the world under the theme ‘Water’, which is woven into the very fabric of human history since the beginning of time. Water is the synonym of life and has been at the heart of everything we do. Without water there is no life.

HIPA Photo Competition Water
HIPA Photo Competition “Water”

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