Tag Archives: spam

Nu mai faceti spam de pe Rcs-Rds !

Numa bine ce gasisem un program gratuit de prelucrari nedistructive ale fisierelor RAW ca dau peste alta problema:

RDSNET is a constant source of spam and attacks (HN-0090).
403 error


Either the address you are accessing this site from has been banned for previous malicious behavior or the action you attempted is considered to be hostile to the proper functioning of this system.

The detected reason(s) you were blocked are:
RDSNET is a constant source of spam and attacks (HN-0090).

Your IP, and Domain Name (if resolvable) has been logged to a local honeypot, along with the referring page (if any), QUERY, POST, User Agent, time of access, and date. Please either 1. Stop the bad behavior, or 2. Cease accessing this system.


Generated by ZB Block 0.4.10a1”


Bine, pina la urma m-am conectat de pe alta retea si am reusit sa intru pe site-ul respectiv, de unde am descarcat programul gratuit de editare a fisierelor raw LightZone.

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Peste citeva zile am sa revin cu alte informatii despre acest LightZone, pina atunci v-as ruga sa-mi spuneti (la sectiune comentarii) daca aveti aceasta problema cand accesati site-ul respectiv.