Tag Archives: SWPA

Marii catigatori SWPA 2020 au fost anuntati

World Photography Organisation a anunțat astăzi câștigătorii prestigiosului premiu Sony World Photography Awards 2020. Titlul Photographer of the Year și premiul de 25.000 de dolari merg la Pablo Albarenga (Uruguay) pentru seria Seeds of Resistance. De asemenea, au fost anunțați și cei zece câștigători din categoria Profesional, alături de locurile 2 și 3, precum și câștigătorii generali ai categoriilor Open, Student și Youth.

proiect foto eseu Pablo Albarenga Uruguay Seeds of Resistance
Nantu is an indigenous young man from the Achuar Nation of Ecuador who leads a project of solar-powered river boats for collective transport. By installing solar panels on a specially designed boat’s roof, he is working to end Achuar’s dependence on petrol. Left: On his land, Nantu lies dressed with traditional Achuar clothing. Right: the pristine rainforest from the Achuar territory. Sharamentsa, Pastaza, Ecuador. Photo-composition: Pablo Albarenga

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SWPA 2020 – Student si Youth

World Photography Organisation a anunțat fotografii care au intrat pe lista scurtă în cadrul competiției Student și oferă noi informații despre proiectele fotografice ale artiștilor care au primit în 2019 granturile Sony Student.

poza mere stricate fotografie artistica
© Tobia Faverio, Italy, Student Shortlist, 2020 Sony World Photography Awards

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Incep inscrierile pentru Sony World Photography Awards 2018

Sony World Photography Awards, una dintre cele mai mari competiții de fotografie din lume, anunță deschiderea sesiunii de înscrieri pentru ediția 2018.

poza castigatoare swpa 2017 peisaj iarna magar
Kalaja e Dodes (Doda’s Castle) is a region in Albania including Albania’s highest mountain Mount Korabi and it’s surrounding 7 villages. This region still remains one of the most authentic regions in Albania and much of it’s lifestyle has remained unchanged during the last decades. Traditions are kept alive in this region, although it’s hard with modernization creeping in and a flux of people trading the mountain villages for a life in the capital or abroad.
But also in the past under the leadership of Doda they didn’t surrender easily to invaders. Doda came up with a ruse by offering 300 veiled woman to the army of the Ottomans as a gift to keep the enemy away. The women were actually 300 veiled warriors that slaughtered the ottoman army.

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Frederik Buyckx desemnat Fotograful Anului la Sony World Photography Awards 2017

World Photography Organisation anunță că fotograful belgian Frederik Buyckx este câștigătorul premiului Fotograful Anului din cadrul Sony World Photography Awards 2017.

Frederik Buyckx winner swpa 2017 peisaj iarna zapada
©Frederik Buyckx – Kalaja e Dodes (Doda’s Castle) is a region in Albania including Albania’s highest mountain Mount Korabi and it’s surrounding 7 villages. This region still remains one of the most authentic regions in Albania and much of it’s lifestyle has remained unchanged during the last decades. Traditions are kept alive in this region, although it’s hard with modernization creeping in and a flux of people trading the mountain villages for a life in the capital or abroad.
But also in the past under the leadership of Doda they didn’t surrender easily to invaders. Doda came up with a ruse by offering 300 veiled woman to the army of the Ottomans as a gift to keep the enemy away. The women were actually 300 veiled warriors that slaughtered the ottoman army.

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Sase fotografi romani sunt finalisti la Sony World Photography Awards (SWPA) 2017

Șase fotografi români sunt nominalizați între finaliștii top 10 în lume în categoriile Professional, Open și Youth, în cadrul competiției Sony World Photography Awards (SWPA) 2017, unde juriul a căutat cele mai bune fotografii conteporane.

Sorin Rechitan concurs foto Sony World Photography Awards
Stefan Stefanescu Photo

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