Category Archives: Concurs foto

Concurs de fotografie: Professional Photographer of the Year 2012

Revista de fotografie Professional Photographer va invita sa participati la concursul de fotografie Professional Photographer of the Year 2012

concurs de fotografie Professional Photographer of the Year
Professional Photographer of the Year

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Cine merge la pescuit fotografiaza balena cu cocoasa!

Matthew Thornton a mers la pescuit la Tofino, British Columbia si a avaut norocul sa fotografieze o balena cu cocoasa:

balena cu cocoasa  Tofino, British Columbia, Matthew Thornton
Balena cu cocoasa

Unul din cei prezenti a reusit sa filmeze cu telefonul mobil scena surprinsa de Matthew Thornton. Priviti cu atentie:

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Concurs de fotografie sportiva organizat de ACDSee

Cei care realizeaza suita de programe de editare foto ACDSee organizeaza si un concurs de fotografie cu tema: “Everyday Athlete”

Everyday Athlete
Everyday Athlete

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Concurs international de fotografie “Lights of Summer”

Enter your photographs that show the lights that characterize the most awaited time of the year, summer. Photographs in which whilst enjoying moments with friends, family or during free time, the light has entered into them in a special way flooding with colour the night, the terraces, the moon…

“Lights of Summer” Photography Competition
Lights of Summer

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