Tag Archives: fotografie aeriana

SkyPixel – concurs pentru fotografii realizate cu drona

Founded three years ago, SkyPixel is now one of the premier aerial photography communities in the world with over six million registered professionals and enthusiasts. The 2017 SkyPixel Photo Contest is the most prominent aerial photography contest worldwide, and they have added a new Story category as well as a prize for nominated entrants in this year’s competition.

concurs fotografie aeriana drone premii
SkyPixel Photo Contest 2017

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International Mountain Summit organizeaza un concurs de fotografie montana

The Mountain Festival International Mountain Summit has just launched the sixth edition of the IMS Photo Contest – one of the most important mountain photo festivals of the world, open to all photographers, worldwide. This year, the contest breaks with one important tradition: there is no central theme.

afis poster IMS Photo Contest 2016
IMS Photo Contest 2016

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Rezultatele concursului International Landscape Photographer of the Year

Au fost anuntate rezultate concursului International Landscape Photographer of the Year (ILPOTY), iar marele premiu a revenit fotografului australian Christian Fletcher.

Christian Fletcher fotograf australia
Christian Fletcher

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Interviu cu fotograful oficial al U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds

Din echipa de acrobatie aeriana U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds face parte si sergentul Larry Reid Jr; el este unul din cei doi fotografii oficiali al celebrei formatii, iar daca v-ati intrebat cum sunt realizate acele minunate imagini cu zburatorii Thunderbirds, acum aveti ocazia sa aflati citeceva din “secretele” imaginilor respective.

f-16 U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds
U.S.A.F. Thunderbirds

In interviul realizat de Jaron Schneider, sergentul Larry Reid Jr ne povesteste cam ce se intampla behind the scene (BTS – in spatele scenei), cum se fotografiaza o formatie de avioane F16 si ce echipament foloseste.

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