Tag Archives: Fotojurnalism

A Timely Global Mosaic, Created by All of Us

Where will you be on Sunday, May 2, at 15:00 hours (U.T.C.) ?

For local times around the world, you can consult this converter from timeanddate.com


Wherever you are, we hope you’ll have a camera — or a camera phone — in hand. And we hope you’ll be taking a picture to send to Lens that will capture this singular instant in whatever way you think would add to a marvelous global mosaic; a Web-built image of one moment in time across the world.

We extend the invitation to everyone, everywhere. Amateurs. Students. Pros. People who’ve been photographing for a lifetime or who just started yesterday.

What matters more than technique is the thought behind the picture, because you’ll only be sending us one. So please do think beforehand about where you will want to be and what you will want to focus on. Here are the general topics:

Nature and the Environment
Arts and Entertainment
Money and the Economy
Social Issues

After you take your photo, please send it as soon as possible to submit.nytimes.com/moment (the link should be active at 15:00 U.T.C.). On the Web form, you’ll be asked to categorize your photo by location and subject (the topic list shown above) and to include caption information. We don’t expect everyone to hit 15:00 exactly, but we do ask that you try to stay within a few minutes of that targeted time.

The photos will appear quickly on the Lens blog and on NYTimes.com, and — if you’d like — you’ll be able to arrange them by country, by topic or by how they were ranked by other readers.

Expozitie foto ” Lumea noastra in razboi”

Pe 12 august 2009 s-au implinit 60 de ani de la adoptarea Conventiilor de la Geneva privind protectia persoanelor care nu iau parte la ostilitati, acestea reprezentând la nivel mondial, o adevarata piatra de hotar in privinta modului in care sunt purtate razboaiele.

Crucea Rosie Romana a aniversat acest moment prin lansarea unei expozitii de fotografii “Lumea noastra in razboi”, care reflecta consecintele conflictelor armate, expozitie prezenta in marile capitale ale lumii.

Cele 15 fotografii reprezinta diferite ipostaze surprinse de fotografi de razboi celebri, respectiv James Nachtwey, Ron Haviv, Chris Morris, Franco Pagetti and Antonin Kratochvil, in conflictele din Afganistan, Filipine, Liban, Columbia, Haiti, Georgia, Liberia, Republica Democrata Congo.


Continue reading Expozitie foto ” Lumea noastra in razboi”

Expozitie Mediafax Foto pe Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti

Agenţia de presă Mediafax organizează, în perioada 19 iulie – 4 august, expoziţia“Mediafax Foto – Best of 2006”, care reuneşte 50 dintre cele mai reuşite fotografii de presă realizate de fotojurnaliştii şi colaboratorii săi în decursul anului trecut.

Mediafax Foto - Best of 2006

Lucrările vor fi expuse pe partea exterioară a gardului Muzeului Naţional de Artă al României dinspre Calea Victoriei, cu scopul de a readuce evenimentele văzute prin obiectivul aparatului de fotografiat chiar în locul în care ele se desfăşoară – în spaţiul public.

Continue reading Expozitie Mediafax Foto pe Calea Victoriei, Bucuresti