Castigati o excursie in Italia

Daca aveti fotografii realizate in Italia ar trebuie sa participati la concursul international de fotografie “Take a Picture and Travel” si poate veti castiga o excursie in Italia, la Farmhouse Vecchia Masseriadin provincia Catania.

Farmhouse Vecchia Masseria in the province of Catania
concurs foto

Tema concursului foto este “Italian Landscape”
Data Limita 23 ianuarie 2013

Copyright: You give to MoCA and the rights to reproduce photos and texts for creating the virtual catalogue, for the applications record, for the publishing of the pictures in the website and for any other form of communication related to the activity of the Organization.

Once the photo is registered, share it on Facebook and invite your friends to vote for it. The photo which will receive the highest number of I LIKE on Facebook and the vote of the Jury within 23rd March 2013 will win the competition.

Image requirements: JPG format, minimum size: 500px by 500px, max file size: 4 Mb
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