Category Archives: Fotojurnalism

A Timely Global Mosaic, Created by All of Us

Where will you be on Sunday, May 2, at 15:00 hours (U.T.C.) ?

For local times around the world, you can consult this converter from


Wherever you are, we hope you’ll have a camera — or a camera phone — in hand. And we hope you’ll be taking a picture to send to Lens that will capture this singular instant in whatever way you think would add to a marvelous global mosaic; a Web-built image of one moment in time across the world.

We extend the invitation to everyone, everywhere. Amateurs. Students. Pros. People who’ve been photographing for a lifetime or who just started yesterday.

What matters more than technique is the thought behind the picture, because you’ll only be sending us one. So please do think beforehand about where you will want to be and what you will want to focus on. Here are the general topics:

Nature and the Environment
Arts and Entertainment
Money and the Economy
Social Issues

After you take your photo, please send it as soon as possible to (the link should be active at 15:00 U.T.C.). On the Web form, you’ll be asked to categorize your photo by location and subject (the topic list shown above) and to include caption information. We don’t expect everyone to hit 15:00 exactly, but we do ask that you try to stay within a few minutes of that targeted time.

The photos will appear quickly on the Lens blog and on, and — if you’d like — you’ll be able to arrange them by country, by topic or by how they were ranked by other readers.

Tabara de fotografie


Centrul Judetean pentru Conservarea si Promovarea Culturii Traditionale Maramures anunta organizarea celei de a VI-a editii a Taberei Nationale Fotoetnografica.
Fotoetnografica este o tabara cu specific fotografic, care isi propune conservarea cu ajutorul fotografiei a culturii traditionale din Maramures.
Curatorul taberei este Felician Sateanu, consultant artistic, departamentul foto-video al CJCPCT Maramures.

Zona propusa pentru cercetare: -Mara, Desesti, Hoteni, Sat Sugatag, Giulesti si Berbesi. (Valea Marei)
Dupa terminarea taberei lucrarile selectate vor fi prezentate intr-o expozitie de tinuta, in Baia Mare si alte orase din tara.
Lucrarile expuse vor fi prinse intr-un minialbum “Fotoetnografica” valea Marei, iar la sfarsitul celor 10 editii intr-un album complex despre Maramures.

Inscrierile se pot face in intervalul 15. 04. – 03. 05. 2010, tabara urmand a se desfasura in per. 08 – 17 mai (in 16 mai are loc “Tanjaua de pe Mara” festival folcloric legat de ritualurile agrare de primavara).
Participantii trebuie sa aibe aparatura foto digitala proprie, echipament adecvat deplasarilor in teren, rezerve de baterii, carduri de memorie si alte accesorii necesare unei bune activitati fotografice.
Inscrierile se pot face in limita a 8 locuri disponibile.

Taxa de partcipare este de 900 lei, (100 lei/zi, camera cu doua paturi, baie, 3 mese) diferenta necesara pentru realizarea obiectivelor propuse va fi suportata de CJCPCT Maramures.

Persoana de contact: Felician Sateanu, tel. 0262 211 560. mobil 0723 260826, mail: