Il Reportage, the quarterly literary, journalism and photography review, in collaboration with Officine Fotografiche Roma and Leica Camera Italia, is pleased to announce the first edition of Il Reportage Photojournalism Award 2016, an international documentary photography competition.
Marele premiu al concursul de fotografie organizat de Tiger Camera a fost castigat de Matilde Fogh, din Danemarca, cu imaginea de mai jos, intitulata “03:32 This is my Mom’ “
Tema editiei 2015 a concursului foto a fost “Borders” si au fost inscrise 10.000 de imagini.
Tiger Camera invites photographers to explore theme of “borders” in international photo competition.
For the fourth-year in a row, Tiger Camera is inviting photographers to take part in an international photo competition that last year attracted 5000 talented participants from 68 countries. This year’s theme is “borders.”