Tag Archives: poze

Premiile concursului de fotografie APOY 2014

Au fost publicate rezultatele celor 10 etape ale concursului de fotografie APOY (Amateur Photographer of the Year) 2014. La finalul celor etape, care au cuprins categoriile: street life, animal planet, world in motion, by the sunt and the moon, dawn and dusk, macro world, in a faraway place, the world in black&white, kept in the dark, building blocks, marele premiu a revenit lui Dan Deakin.

Dan Deakin apoy 2014
Dan Deakin -street life

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The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation For Documentary Photography & Film

Now in the foundation fifth year, the 2015 submissions call continues to focus on stories of heroism, human dignity and injustice. From famine to disease, human suffering to the politics that threaten the lives of people all over the world, our grant programs give photographers and filmmakers the opportunity to share the pivotal and emotional stories that impact generations.

Tommaso Rada photographer
Tommaso Rada

Tommaso Rada

Each year The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz foundation grants both photography and film making at its best.

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Sony cauta cea mai buna fotografie realizata cu telefonul mobil: Mobile Phone Award 2015

World Photography Organisation lanseaza o noua sectiune a competitiei Sony World Photography Awards 2015: Mobile Phone Award 2015. Cei interesati se pot inscrie pentru a-si demonstra talentul si cu una dintre camerele foto care a devenit foarte populara: telefonul mobil.

Mobile Phone Award
© Anthony Lepinay (member of the Mobile Phone Award judging panel)

© Anthony Lepinay (member of the Mobile Phone Award judging panel)

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Test cu Olympus SP-100EE: un aparat foto bridge cu zoom 50x si sistem Dot Sight

Olympus SP-100EE este un aparat foto bridge cu zoom 50x (echivalent 35 mm: 24 – 120 mm) stabilizat optic pe 5 axe si dotat cu un sistem special conceput pentru a putea urmari mai usor subiectele la distante focale mari.

bridge 50x zoom dot sight
Olympus SP-100EE

Acest “Dot Sight” este un ecran semi-transparent inspirat parca din sistemele de ochire ale producatorilor de armament, iar scopul lui este de a elimina, pe cit posibil, una din “problemele” cu care se confrunta utilizatorii aparatelor foto bridge cu zoom-uri generoase: pierderea subiectului din cadru datorita unghiului foarte strans de cuprindere, la focala maxima.

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