Prix VIRGINIA 2022 – International photography prize for women

Awarded every two years since 2012, The Prix Virginia is the first photography prize exclusively reserved for a woman photographer, regardless of her age or nationality.

Prix VIRGINIA 2022 fotografa castigatoare 2020
Prix VIRGINIA 2022 – Cristina De Middel, 2020 winner

Cristina De Middel, 2020 winner

The work submitted must never have yet been exhibited in France and must not be the result of an editorial assignment or advertisement commission.


• The Sylvia S. Association will award 10.000 € to the winner.

Entry deadline: 7th May 2022
The Winner will be announced during a formal, public ceremony by the President of the Jury at a date announced after the deliberations in Paris, in the presence of the Winner, the Jury, and the media.

Enter 12 to 18 digital photographs, (with captions, date, title and format) on unrelated themes or grouped by subject, black and white and/or colour and 3 A4 paper prints.

Online submission of digital photographs via the website but please, first, read all Rules

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2 thoughts on “Prix VIRGINIA 2022 – International photography prize for women”

  1. Trebuiau să fi început concursul acum câteva luni și să fi anunțat câștigătoarea chiar de 8 martie. Oricum, ideea este interesantă doar dacă fotografiile făcute de femei sunt vizibil ALTFEL față de cele ale bărbaților. Chiar sunt?!

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