Prix Viviane Esders 2023 – concurs pentru fotografii profesionisti europeni

The Viviane Esders Endowment Fund is pleased to announce the opening of the call for applications for the second edition of the Prix Viviane Esders.

Prix Viviane Esders mario carnicelli winner 2022
Prix Viviane Esders – Mario Carnicelli winner 2022

Prix Viviane Esders – reward the career of a photographer

A prize that rewards each year the career of a professional European photographer over 60 years old, independent and always in a creative process. A major player in the world of photography, Viviane Esders is pursuing her commitment by creating this eponymous prize.
In December 2021, she launched the first edition of the Prix Viviane Esders.

The prize recognizes an already recognized career, whose importance deserves to be highlighted and to be more clearly inscribed in the history of photography.

In 2022 Mario Carnicelli was laureate for the first editon. Each year, a prestigious jury selects five nominees including a winner.

Mario Carnicelli, winner 2022 Prix Viviane Esders
Mario Carnicelli, Laureate 2022 Prix Viviane Esders

Candidates must be professional photographers, having lived from photography for most of their career (personal projects, commissions, teaching). All professional statuses are accepted (author, artist, employee, self-employed,…). Applications are not open to amateur photographers.

The prize rewards the winner with an exceptional financial award of €60,000 given by Viviane Esders:
— A part will be devoted to the usefulness of the endowment for the promotion of his or her work as specified by the laureate in his or her note of intent
— A part will be reserved by the winner (€10 000) for the production of a book on his or her work

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For this second edition, the call is open from February 8, 2023 to May 8, 2023 and is accessible on the prize website:


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